Thursday, May 22, 2008

How cute is this hat??

Is this hat the cutest hat you have ever seen? Aunt Mary bought it for Sienna when she was out visiting a few weeks ago. I think it is so cute on Sienna- although it makes her look less like my daughter than she already does. Thanks for the cute gift, Mary!


Mindy said...

Hey cousin! I love that hat on her! she is so beautiful!!!! I am glad to know that you have a blog!! here is mine... I need to update it...been awhile since I wrote on it...come and visit it any time!

hope all is well! love ya lots!

Jess said...

Your Girls are beautiful!! Isn't it amazing how fast they change and grow up...too fast for me. I'm so glad I can leave comments now!!!

Caroline said...

Hi Susan! it's so fun to catch up on your life. you have a beautiful family! and it sounds like things are going really well for you guys. thanks for including me in the email. Keep in touch!


Willis Family said...

I love that hat on her! She is soo stinkin cute- both of your girls are. It's torture living so far away. I live to see them and hold them and be with them...and you. You are my best friend and I am sooo glad you are my sister! When I see the girls play (mine) I think of you. When you see your girls (I hope you think of me.) I love you big sister! Thanks for being my friend.