Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A day in the life of

So I started back to work yesterday, and can I just say that there is a lot to catch up on after taking 12 weeks off. I have spent two full days reading emails and notes so that when I call my clients I sound like I know what I am doing. Lets be honest- I am super tired and it is only Tuesday night. I work from 7:30-4:30am, which means I have to "rise and shine" at 5:30am. Most of you know that I am NOT a morning person. I'm that mom that tells her two year old to watch Blues Clues for an hour so that I don't have to get out of bed before 8am. But, it's official- Times are changing. I actually had to wake Amara up this morning to get her ready for Amber's house.
Juan is watching Sienna during the day (he works at night). She will only be going to Ambers house for two half days each week. I think once we get used to our new routine things will be good, but it is definitely an adjustment for both of us.
No pictures this post... and tonight, I will be in bed before 10pm.

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